Monday, February 12, 2007

Evacuation Celebration

Above, Berlin Cathedral, preserved memories of horror.

Ladies, Gentlemen, Carbon and Silicon Based Life forms:

This is notification that I am leaving this fine land of Eire for a couple of weeks, and thus, the posting on the blog will diminish to but a trickle.

Berlin is first, to satisfy my historical hunger, and my desire to understand humanities second unsuccessful suicide attempt.

Then, well, who knows?

I may get around to posting whilst on my travels, but don't bet on it, possibly an account of said travels, but more likely just the odd photo or two.

Please content yourself with the archives until I return.

That is all my minions, you may now return to your duties.


Peace and Hope


Thursday, February 08, 2007


(image: Tampera, Finland © FatherCrow 2006)

In a calm prophetic agony.

From the time when,

From the time when.

Persecution by mausoleum shipyard.

Peace and Hope


Wednesday, February 07, 2007


(this post has been reversed with the "kill your televison" post below. An additional new post "beyond belief" has also appeared since this was first published. Please scroll down. It's a long story, don't ask.

Also, I was asked recently whether the below art is my own, yes, it is. In fact anything marked with the
© FatherCrow I've created myself, well the art and photography anyways. The writing is all my own, unless otherwise specified. Oh and one last thing re my all my art, painting, sculpture and drawings, for posterity, I sign my art under a different Nomme De Guerre, so for future reference, Eldar is FatherCrow and FatherCrow is Eldar. )

(image © FatherCrow 2007) Logos - charcoal & pastel

Peace and Hope


Beyond Belief - Or How We Can Stop Killing Each Other In A Few Easy Steps (version 1.1)

Subjective as Hell tract on the nature of religious belief.

Presented in E-Prime.

Belief: (bi'li:f) n. 1. a principle,etc., accepted as true, esp, without proof 2. opinion, conviction. 3. religious faith 4. trust or confidence, as in a persons abilities,etc.
( taken from the Collins Concise English Dictionary, third edition)

We all find it very easy to get into generalizations when we talk of religious belief. I have spent many years listening to people talk about how much carnage, hate, killing and suffering has been caused by Religion down throughout the history of mankind. Looking at it from one point of view, I have to agree with the statement that Religion appears to have caused more harm than good. Islam, Christianity and Judaism seem to me to be the main offenders, and all are monotheistic religions.

I spent a while thinking about this.

I came to the conclusion (again a vast generalization, but it seems all that we can use when speaking of such a broad cross section of humanity) that it all comes down to Aristotle's dualism. By dualism I mean, that Aristotle was one of the first to advocate the philosophy of yes/no (or in computer terms one and zero) and that objects had an inherent "essence" that was unchangeable. This train of thought inevitably leads you to simple answers, Christianity appears to be either True (completely) or False (completely) and the same with Islam, and indeed many other religions (or cults - I distinguish a cult from a religion by the fact that a Religion has political backing, whereas a cult does not).

This dualistic approach as many of you will have noticed does not really gel well with real life, there seems to be a considerable amount of gray in our daily lives, all does not appear simply black and white. If you take this black and white approach, then you are threatened by anyone whose "beliefs" (without proof, opinion, religious faith..) differ in any way from your own - the mere fact that they are viewed as different seems to some individuals to invalidate any model of the way Universe works that they use. All of these systems (religions) seem to have evolved from the same basic thesis of "what the hell seems to be going on in Universe" and used specific models (the scientific use of the word model) to explain "what the hell seems to be going on".

Differing peoples in differing areas of the globe from differing cultural, language and geographical perspectives have tried to use what they see around them to come to an assumption (or what they consider most likely) of "what the hell seems to be going on".

Some of these religions, have never really caused much damage in the world - Buddhism for one. Most of the "religions" that have not caused noticeable amounts of suffering and strife come from a quite mystical non-dualistic bent and acknowledge that depending on where you come from, you will generally have a distinctly different view of the world (take the Inuit say as compared with a tribe in Papua New Guinea as an example of differing perspectives) and relate to God, Goddess, Godhead, Buddha mind, whatever in a distinctly different way to groups that come from other Geographical areas or philosophical schools. These mystical groups tend to realize that different groups inevitably end up using different iconography, and have a habit as far as I am aware to respect any differences between "factions". None of these religions (with the one exception I know of being witchcraft) seem to come from the West, where Aristotle's true/false logic rules. This even goes so far as today's sciences (take the photon - is it a wave?, is it a particle? discussion - physicists had to abandon dualism completely to figure out what now seems like a simple idea).

The three options (atheism, agnosticism, belief in "God") that most people see as the only options seem to me to be a direct result of the education system in the West, or should I say indoctrination systems, in that these options, in most cases appear to be the only choices you are presented with.

By discarding any sort of spirituality or ideas about the nature of Universe, in my view you will limit yourself, and abandon a fun ride. Which oddly enough appears to be just what "they" (ah the omnipresent "they") want you to do, religion, the less organised the better, can be fun.

No model that attempts to take into account the "true" nature of Universe can be proved or disproved, we just don't have the information (as our brains reside within Universe, and a very small part of Universe at that, and to "understand" Universe we would have to have brains that are capable of holding "all" data in Universe which would take, well roughly a brain that would be equal to the size of Universe to contain all the information, which seems to be, plainly impossible).

Any model that YOU choose can also be a very effective form of rebellion - the biggest "fuck you" to all those people out there who try to program your brain for you. In my view, in the nature of religious models of all types, none can be empirically proven to be "true" or "false" but I find this the fun bit, so long as it works for you, does it really matter? You also don't have to stick to one model all your life, try out a few........see which one works best. To me it appears less a matter of what "is true" and what "is false" than primarily a matter of utility. Choose what you want to believe in and if it benefits you, than it has a certain amount of "utility" in your life, and if it has "utility" then should be worth keeping. Of course you should consider bearing in mind that what has "utility" for you might not have the same effect on others, or me, but that's ok...

Just for fun, why not try out Hanotheism, the belief that "there are billions of gods", pick the one you like best and have fun with it, and acknowledge that others do the same. Since no one knows everything, all models appear to be equally right until proven otherwise (which I can't see happening by next Tuesday). When you do that, it becomes immaterial whether the "god" or godhead or whatever specific model you have developed "is more real" than other people's. Science states that "religious" people live longer and are happier, so should that not be a reason in itself? You don't have to fuck with the beliefs of others to have your own.

The point being, that if you have a true/false approach to religion or spirituality, you will find that many ideas or opinions that you have, once contradicted by another group or person (even if they do not intend to criticize you or your beliefs) will immediately cause "you" (being a person who has a dualistic belief system) to feel that your beliefs "are being threatened" or invalidated by this other. Thus, you either have to convince him or her that you "are right" (convert them) or get rid of them (burn the damn heretic). Also this kind of thinking in my opinion tends to cause the individual to seek out more people that agree with exactly the same dogma as they themselves do, as a way of validating their own beliefs (This seems to lead to thinking that, the more of "us" there are the more "real" our Deity is.) When these groups form you tend to start to hear phrases like "Look all of these guys think the same way boy, and you're a long way from home." Then it tends to be in the interest of your own health to agree with them - or invest in some security for your home.

I am religious (or spiritual, it depends on your own definition) myself. My particular belief system (or B.S, as Robert Anton Wilson said) has been created as decidedly nonhierarchical, and as I am a solitary practitioner does not involve proselytizing. My form of occultism (as I adopt and incorporate aspects of various B.S.'s that have utility to me), Has been designed to skip over that wonderful gatekeeper, the priest or priestess that most of the organised religions use to establish control and place a filter between you and the divine.

Personally I worship alone, practice Magick alone, and really don't give a damn what people think. So long as their belief does not hurt anyone else or infringe on others belief systems (B.S.). My relationship with the infinite does not need the involvement of anyone else, it has been my experience that you cannot communicate with the divine via a moderator, however much fun it looks like to have a gatekeeper.

You are, of course, free to believe whatever you want. But remember as Timothy Leary said "any reality is an opinion" this just happens to be mine.

Peace and Hope


Dedicated to:

Dr. Timothy Leary

Dr. Robert Anton Wilson

Aldous Huxley

Dr. Christopher S. Hyatt

William S. Burroughs

Aleister Crowley

Dr.Israel Regardie

Alan Watts

Alfred Korzybski

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Kill your Televison

Yea, Brothers and Sisters, you know it to be true.

From the movie "Network"

Peace and Hope


Monday, February 05, 2007

Lumps on your Head: Phrenology.

Above: A phrenology bust. (image © FatherCrow 2007)

At the beginning of the 19th century things were very different from what they are now. Medical science had just begun to take the huge leaps forward in its capabilities that would forever change humanities relationship with it. The 18th century had been a time of reticent and spasmodic baby steps forward, hampered by not a small amount of quackery, much of the medical knowledge of the time advocated bloodletting and purging . The 19th century was to be different.

The Physical body, from 1800 on, limb by limb, organ by organ had begun to be tamed. Optimism that eventually all human medical ailments could be eventually cured was rife. Humanity would eventually be delivered from its own weaknesses. The modern era really launched with Robert Koch's discoveries around 1880 of the movement and infection of disease by bacteria, then the invention/discovery of antiboitics shortly afterwards circa 1900 really began to give both medical professionals and the hoi polloi alike the hope that we would eventually be masters of this biological form that contained "us". Ignaz Semmelweis discovered that washing with chlorinated lime solutions could reduce surgical deaths to below one percent. We had set foot on the first rungs of the ladder of immortality. No one could hear Jacob laughing.

As the physical sciences raced ahead with discovery after discovery the study of the mind and its ailments lagged sadly behind as mental disorders were still very much beyond the ken (as the Scottish say) of the medical profession. We had the potential to live forever, but we could not fathom the myriad sicknesses of the personality. We could not even measure them, or tie them down to a specific part of the body. And so many foolish and overtly optimistic treatments and branches of medicine were developed in an effort to even the physical/mental divide in the science of medicine.

In 1800 a man named Franz Joseph Gall was to attempt to change that uneven divide. Gall, (1758-1828) studied medicine at the University of Strasbourg and then went on to complete his degree in Vienna developed the ideas of Cranioscopy whereby he began to infer that specific brain functions could be identified by the outer shape of the human skull. Thus Gall claimed, you could discover the type of personality, moral and mental functions of an individual by examining the outer contours of the individual in questions skull. Gall listed specific personality traits that were linked to specific skull points with specific shapes. Though Phrenology has been discredited over the years as a science, it is still credited with being a "proto-science" as it first linked the brain to the mind and suggested that specific areas of the brain were responsible for specific aspects of what we now describe as the personality. Phrenology though is based on the misuse of the "causal inferences" of modern medicine and science. Modern medicine and Neurology have proven that the skull shape is in no way an indicator of behavioral patterns.

Cranioscopy eventually was renamed "Phrenology" by a follower of Gall's a man named Johann Spurzheim. Spurzheim was an assistant to Gall who so impressed the good doctor that he was considered the sucessor and torch bearer of the new science, Gall even added Spurzheims name to some of the books that he authored about his discovery. Spurzheim was the individual most responsible for the increasing popularity of the "science" but later had a falling out with his mentor but still continued to travel far and wide preaching his new gospel. Spurzheim died in 1832 on his first American tour. His brain, skull and heart were removed and preserved in alcohol, and then put on display for the public.

This new "science" of phrenology was not accepted without criticism, many religious leaders, the Catholic Church in particular regarded it almost as heresy. Some scientists, respected ones at that, were aggrieved with the spread of this particular medical meme, some said that they were reluctant to take Gall and Spurzheim at their words, as there was, to all intents and purposes no "proof" in a purely scientific sense. Gall tried to settle in a few countries, even France, where to his dismay his science was condemned by none other a historical personality than Napoleon Bonaparte. Gall still managed to curry favour in Parisian society and settled there until his death in 1828.

Though France did not accept his theories, they were not rejected elsewhere, in England and the United States his theories were repeatedly used to justify racial discrimination, as Gall had created a science that used the shape of the head to define characteristics there was of course a head shape that resulted in a well balanced and stable personality. Multiple measurements were used, pincers and strange mechanical hat like devices were developed to perform the measurements, busts were created to show the ideal shape of the head. The ideal shape, was, of course that of a geometrically balanced Caucasian head. In the United states Phrenology was used to justify racial segregation and the United Kingdom used it to justify the superiority of the ruling or "upper" classes. Phrenologists all through Victorian times were consulted on whether individuals would be appropriate employees or marriage partners. Even Lloyd George the British Prime Minister arranged a meeting with one particular writer on the justification that he had "an interesting shaped head"

Phrenology survived into the 20th century despite being rejected as a true science by the majority of 20th century physicians. It's use became more political then medical. The apogee of this political use manifested like a tumor within the already sick national psyche of Nazi Germany. It was of course used as a scientific basis for the upholding of Germans and Aryans in general as a master race. Himmler during his tenure as Reichfuhrer SS, dispatched members of his SS Ahnenerbe (Ancestral Heritage) department (which is worth researching yourselves) to various countries around the world taking, amongst other things, plaster of Paris head casts that were then shipped back to Germany and used as, you guessed it, Phrenelogical examples of the inferiority of other races. Most of us I think, are aware as to where this particular type of study led. The study of bumps on the head began to be a justification for the creation of them as the truncheons of the Nazi's fell on the heads of the untermensch.

I myself have a Phrenology bust on display in my home, purchased from an antique dealer with an unusual predilection for anomalies of earlier times. The bust is on display for one reason and one reason only. To remind myself on no account to take someone else's word for what is true or not true, no matter how apparently well respected or established they or their organisation is, but to do my own research and make my own decisions.

It's a surprisingly effective mnemonic device.

Peace and Hope


Thursday, February 01, 2007

Freud, Bernays, and “The Language of Control.”

Screaming in the streets, corpses piled upon corpses, burning buildings, wide hateful eyes staring down at bloodied and twisted bodies in the gutters. Before striking we make sure the "other" is less numerous than "us", then blow after blow is landed on the "other" who screams incomprehensibly as with each individual act of violence the humanity is drained from it. Guns are fired, punches fall upon the alien human, and the body politic twists and flexes in hatred. The violence then spreads like a dark stain across countries and continents.

All the while the fear grows in Sigmund Freud. He sees us all, he sees our movements, thousands of us, in thousands of places, running across public parks and streets, clubs, knives, guns in our hands. We chase those that we view as different, hunting them. We hunt them with the animal habits that we once thought only applied to our Primate ancestors. Hates consumes us and then, we land the death blow and take the new territory, their territory for our own.

Sigmund Freud did not believe in the benevolence of humanity.

After the first world war Freud retreated to Berchtesgaden (ironically the town was then also the Summer home of Adolf Hitler and later the home of his "eagles nest" where much of his war was planned from), and wrote volumes about how man was an evil, violent animal with animalistic passions that had not been completely restrained by civilisation. He believed that the first world war was, in effect a validation of his most pessimistic nightmares about the true underlying nature of humanity. He believed that governments had released the unconsious animalistic tendencies of our primate species and then found that they could not be controlled. Europe was laid waste, and, Freud believed that the 9,906,000 dead of the first world war (military deaths only) was the direct result of the failure of civilisation and it's leaders to control and manage the dark side of humanity, which psychoanalysis had been preaching about for several years. From Berchtesgaden Freud penned what was to be, for the twentieth century and beyond, his defining work "Civilisation and it's Discontents" which stated that Humanity was, in effect, a rampaging violent emotional beast that had to be controlled through the mechanism of civilisation in order to avoid a repeat of the first world war. This control he argued, was necessary and as a result of the suppression of the individual desire, would cause a perpetual discontent within the individuals that composed society. Thus it would be a necessary sacrifice to suppress the evil beast that he said, resided within all of us. In Freuds view, unhappieness was key to humanities survival, it was either that or extinction.

Across space and earlier in time, a man named Edward Bernays's parents had emigraged from Austria and traversed the Atlantic to settle in America. Bernays himself, though born in Vienna, was brought up in the American capitalistic environment. Bernays was Sigmud Freuds nephew. During the First World War, the war that stripped his uncle of the last vestiges of his faith in humanity, Bernays worked with the US government within the propaganda division of the US forces. It was at the Paris Peace Conference where Bernays first noticed the hysterical reaction of the crowds to President Wilsons visit. Wilson had been portrayed as an emissary of the individual in addition to that of freedom. The French viewed him as an almost messianic character after the regimented march of death that was the First World War. Bernays watched this adulation from afar, with the Presidents entourage and wondered, he wondered if the crowds in peacetime could be controlled as effectively as those that were controlled by Propagandistic manipulation during wartime. Bernays considered the word "Propaganda" to be tainted by it's use by the Germans, and so on returning to the United States, after some thought, he adopted the phrase "Public Relations" in its place. Bernays set up an office in New York and set to work. During this time, Bernays, still on friendly terms with his Uncle Siggy, sent him a box of Havana Cigars, Freud in response sent him a copies of some of his works. This gift was a revelation to Bernays, who then decided to use his Uncle's theories in furthering first his personal fortunes and secondly his thirst for power. Bernays himself would always maintain that he was at heart a democrat and that the use of his Uncle's theories were for the benefit of humanity at large.

Bernays first made an imprint on the fragile membrane of society’s collective unconscious by removing a taboo that was preventing America's tobacco corporations from making, to be frank, double what their collective earnings were at the time.

In the 1920's men, had effectively imposed a unspoken ban on women smoking, it was a male province and as far as the populace were concerned would stay that way. The corporations wanted women to smoke, and Bernays wanted to help them. So, in conference with the American Tobacco companies, Bernays asked permission to consult a psychiatrist in order to find out what cigarettes represented to women, so he could provide them with a reason for smoking. What cigarettes represented to women, according to the psychiatrist he consulted (for a very large fee) he was told, was the male penis. That year, at a parade in New York, Bernays, in what must be considered one of the first, and indeed most effective, public relations stunts hired a group of women. These women, at a given time, were to light up cigarettes. Meanwhile, Bernays had alerted the press that a group of suffragettes had, in a gesture of "freedom" lit up these cigarettes in protest of women being treated differently. The press went mad, the next day the women made headlines and Bernays was there to supply the phrase "Torches of Freedom" to the pictures in the press. What Bernays had done, was to take the fight against women’s oppression, and used the iconic image of the cigarette as a symbol that was only the province of men (the penis) and appear to wrest it from the hands of the patriarchy. Women smoking, were women that were individuals, that were free of the constraints that male dominated society put on them. The message said, you are free, you are equal, and you demonstrate this by acquiring your own symbolic penis, the cigarette. Soon enough women equalled men in their smoking habits, and Bernays was viewed somewhat as a miracle worker.

Bernays continued to exploit the buying public by associating the previously functional products with unrelated emotions. You do not buy this because you “need it” you buy it because it makes you feel good. Thus in a second, America’s fears of over production vanished as emotion took over utility and the practicality of products was replaced by the need to be happy which was reinforced by Freudian advertising. The products of course did not provide happiness but did provide the chase, which never ended, as product after products was consumed in an unconscious race for happiness. He had in fact invented the era of “consuptionism” which was later re-branded as they say today as “consumerism”.

Bernays, always the tireless self publicist began to write books promoting his ideas. He did this as many prominent political thinkers in America, had been terrified at the implications of the first world war. And as the popularity of Freud soared these political thinkers began to look at the masses much as he did. The masses were animalistic and the ruling elite needed a method to control them in order to prevent a second suicide attempt by humanity at large. Bernays wrote books like “propaganda” in order to argue that he had developed the techniques that would prevent such a thing from ever happening again. His theory was to actively encourage the association of products that constantly changed and updated themselves with emotions like love and happiness, comfort and contentment so that the worker, would in effect become the consumer, and the newly created “consumer” would be so busy pursuing products that they thought would sate them and grant their emotional desires that they would, in effect, avoid their bestial nature in the illusionary chase of happiness through products. The populous would also be so distracted that they would let the elite, who knew what was best for them, get on with the business of ruling. His policies were adopted, at home and abroad. Bernays was a self described democrat who was in fact, entirely undemocratic.

Joseph Goebels rated Bernays’s “Propaganda” as one of the most important and influential books he had ever read. So, in effect, whilst trying to avoid another “War to end all Wars” Bernay’s, the Jew, inadvertently contributed to, and facilitated it. Goebels gained much of his insight into the manipulation of populaces from Bernays, and in turn Freud. Freud meanwhile had been pessimistically watching the rise of the Nazi’s and shortly after the anschlaus or annexation of Austria had fled this new nightmare of the 20th century and moved along with his daughter Anna to England, where on the outbreak of the Second world war in 1939, he died of cancer of the Jaw an old, broken and despairing man.

And so, after the Horrors of the mechanistic death machine of the second world war. The “consumer machine” went into overdrive for beneath the smiling faces on the billboards of fifties America were drooling, violent beasts that could only be controlled by the endless pursuit of products as a symbolic replacement for happiness. Which may have been the greatest subversion of the American Experiments Constitution which guaranteed it’s citizens the right of the “pursuit of happiness”.

Many years later, Sayyid Qutb, a young intellectual Muslim gained a position as a teacher in the Ciaro Ministry of Public Information, from 1948 to 1950 Qutb was sent on a scholarship to the United States to examine the United States educational system. What he found, almost caused him to despair, and was to have grave ramifications all the way into the 21st century.

Qutb saw in the fabric of United States society something which he thought was a grave threat. That threat was the almost universal manifestation of the individual over the group. People, as a result of the consumerist society that was effectively invented by Bernays, focused solely on themselves and their own desires, and not as Qutb thought was healthy, the group, the city, the state, the nation. He saw a country of selfish people endlessly pursuing, as Bernays had ordained, personal happiness through everything from automobiles to haircuts. This he viewed as the beginnings of a failing society, as the cult of individualism was the origin of societal discontent as people were no longer concerned for the group as a whole, but only for themselves. Qutb viewed the race riots, increasing sexual freedom, triviality, the lessening of restrictions on divorce all as symptoms of a diseased and dying society that viewed through the precepts of Islam, would eventually cause its downfall. Qutb when he returned home saw elements of this corrupt and diseased Western Capitalist society infecting his own people of Egypt (which at that point was on a governmental level embracing Western values, and American money). In this germ of cultural infection, Qutb saw the end of Islam, and the destruction of Egypt. He vowed to fight this to the last. This fanatical (from the latin Fanum, Temple, or Chapel in latin, denoting a specifically religious fervour) Weltanschauung or world view culminated in Qutbs attempted assassination of Gamal Abdul Nasser an assassination that was intended to bring about the introduction of Sharia law and the triumph of the group over the individual. The attempt failed and Qutb was executed for his part in the plot.

Qutb was succeeded in his position in what was now viewed as the Islamist movement by his disciple, Ayman Muhammad Rabaie al-Zawahiri who then joined and eventually became head of the Muslim Brotherhood. He fought in Afghanistan with Osama Bin Laden, who was also increasingly influenced by al-Zawahiri’s thinking, and thus in turn by Qutb’s. The rest, as they say, is the history of Islams reactionary fight against the western cult of the individual, pioneered by Edward Bernays.

Bin Laden and al-Zawahari however were not the only ones who found that Bernays’s cult of the individual could end up being the death of society. Leo Strauss a German born political philosopher also saw the apparent gradual disintegration of society. He as a Jew had watched the terror of the Second World War from America and later watched in the 1960’s a society which was rife with civil conflict. White middle class terrorist groups had been founded, like the Symbionese Liberation Army and the Weathermen, meanwhile down south, the Ku Klux Klan were engaged in a murderous struggle to continue segregation, both with black people and civil rights campaigners. In California Black people had begun to form groups like the Black Panthers to promote civil rights and civil defense, primarily from the police. Violence and riots on the streets were everywhere, and Strauss saw this as a result of the erosion of the group concept of the nation and the accentuation of the individual (whether or not he connected this with Bernays is debateable). And thus Strauss began to formulate the system of thought that would eventually mutate into Neo-conservatism as we know it today.

For Strauss Politics and Philosophy were one, and he began to advocate the thought that liberalism led to relativism which in turn he insisted, eventually became one of two types of nihilism. The first of these types was “brutal nihilism” which he associated with the rise and acts of Nazi Germany. The second type was “gentle nihilism” of the types associated now with most western democracies. He thought this “gentle nihilism” involved the accentuation of the self and a kind of mindless hedonistic random individual wandering. This in turn eroded and would eventually lead to the destruction of society as the individual lost any association he or she may have had with the larger body politic of the nation. Then Strauss began to advocate what is termed the “Noble lie”. The Noble Lie involved uniting the population, and distracting them from their individual concerns with the mythic presentation of the nation in order to create and maintain a cogent, united civil society and give people meaning in their lives, meaning externalized to the other citizens of the nation, and not just restricted to the satisfaction of individual desires. The nation in this case Strauss insisted, should be America. America presented as the only great force for good in the world, a nation that should be presented to its citizens as one that eternally fought against injustice and oppression the world over, gradually transforming the world into its own mirror image, perfect and contented. This advocation of the myth that America as in effect, the worlds global policeman for good, was not for the benefits of the citizens of the world at large, but to unite the citizens of the united states itself. Paul Wolfowitz and William Crystol, two of Strauss’s students went on to become prominent Republican Neo-Conservatives and co-authors (among others) of the “Project for the New American Century” which, among other things manufactured this uniting vision of America as a force for good by advocating the toppling of Dictator du Jour Saddam Hussein.

Bernays has allot to answer for.

And so, as we dance through the threads of countries histories and individual personal lives I am led to the seemingly unavoidable conclusion that those who seek to save society through the controlling of it, eventually cause what they despise. A macrocosmic example of the principle that the more driven the effort to impose order, the faster the birth and exponential growth of chaos that is engendered within that ordered structure.

The only protection I see from it is arming yourself with the information that underlies the strategies of these people, you yourselves can choose to mutate into that seed of chaos. My own avoidance techniques have involved everything from Magickal practice, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Linguistic study, drugs, the techniques of Wilhelm Reich, Aleister Crowley and Robert Anton Wilson, plus many others. Once you realize the methods of control, and notice their uses on you, you become free to use precisely those methods, and many others (some mentioned above) to avoid being manipulated, maneuvered and controlled.

Good Luck.

All the above Key names and phrases can be researched, so please, don’t take my word for it, do your own research, and form your own conclusions.

Research references:

Various biographies

Victor Klemperer:
The Language of the Third Reich

Adam Curtis: Documentaries:
The century of Self
The Power of Nightmares

Edward Bernays:

Sigmund Freud:
Civilisation and its Discontents

Richard Wrangham
and Dale Peterson:
Demonic Males: Apes and the Origins of Human Violence

and various other web pages

Peace and Hope
